Are you ready for strength, balance, and confidence-building? Want to dedicate yourself to practice so you feel results? Are you looking for a little challenge?
Tapas is our strengthening, stamina-building, focus-enhancing YOGA COURSE. It builds core strength while also refining an inner sense of concentration and capacity. Come join us Monday nights for Tapas, our fiery SPRING Term 8-week yoga course!
Tapas is an engaging, upbeat practice that incorporates lots of movement as well as long holds to add a little flair, challenge, and stamina to our asana (yoga posture) practice. This intensity of the practice is what feeds our sense of self-discipline and clears the mind, so it works not just on a physical level, but on mental and energetic levels as well.
In addition to warming up our abdominals, shoulders, and hips, we will learn two (sometimes THREE!) vinyasa flow sequences. “Vinyasa” means “precise placement” and refers in this context to the flowing nature of this yoga sequence, as students move from one pose to the next, coordinated with the breath. Each step will be cued and demonstrated, then repeated. These flows include upper-body strengthening, endurance holds for the quadriceps and abdominals, squat variations, & core work synced with the breath. We will wrap up this energizing hour with final cool down, where we will relish deep hip releases, shoulder openers, and forward folds. Some yoga experience helpful, though not required. TAPAS is a surefire way to increase the transmutation a dedicated yoga practice provides.
In yoga philosophy, “Tapas” means “to heat,” but this is NOT a hot yoga class; it is about igniting the fire from within for transformation of body as well as MIND (though you might also get a little sweaty!). Tapas builds inner fire in order to kindle and expand overall transformation, burning away that which you no longer need and accessing and expanding the best parts of you, those parts that are already there that simply need clearing and tending to grow and shine!
Tapas is about commitment. Inner desire is lit up and fueled by increasing practice, and ENERGY IS FOCUSED so that it can be directed to enhance quality of life.
What does this mean on the mat?
Tapas is a YOGA COURSE of 8-weeks of CORE work, fun FLOWS, DYNAMIC BALANCING poses, isometric ENDURANCE holds, and building CONCENTRATION. We’ll do 5 minutes of centering + warm-ups, then 55 minutes of FUN variations on class postures–including tons of ab work & squats—linked together in a dynamic sequence, 10 minutes of cool-down stretches and holds, then 15 to 20 minutes of guided systematic relaxation.
We’ll do some classic poses that are sure to hit some of yoga pose favorites, such as High Lunge, Cat-Cow, Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Utkatasana (Fierce/Chair Pose), Balancing Cat, Planks & lots of variations of side planks, Virabhadrasna (Warrior) 3 with Movement, and a dynamic Navasana (Upward Facing Boat) sequence, and Twists (and some twists have, well, little twists on our usual twists!). We will also add some playful transitions, variations, and long holds, to build our vitality and concentration!
The warm-up and cool-down portions also include accessible tips to concentrate and guide the mind, so you can gather and direct the energies that this practice produce. This is what allows you to feel and make best use of the fruits of your practice long after class has concluded. This intentional development of the mind is the most important work of inner transformation and what gives you the tools to shine brighter each and every day, so you better notice and savor the beauty in and all around you. What do you truly desire? Realizing your best takes the effort and dedication of Tapas.
TAPAS IS A BEAUTIFUL WAY TO UP YOUR GAME! (and, YES, you might get a little sweaty.)

You’ll also get to play and expand with two additional balance postures, Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon) and Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle). Then you’ll go even further, moving into the incredible balance posture, Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana (Revolved Half Moon). You’ll get to work these postures as you flow in and out, and this dedicated practice will have you feeling stellar and shining, moving and balancing with grace and joy!
You’ll also use tension to go further, by applying what is called a “bind”to your twisting postures, to help open up the shoulders, use resistance to lengthen the spine and further engage the core, and use breath to move safely and deeper into postures for that sensation of spacious release.
We’ve also added Bharadvajasana–a seated twist where you can also work toward a bind–and simpler of this posture, so you can feel through a challenging twist and learn progressive stages and fun variations while you cool down. It is also a marvelous posture to use physical pressure of your position plus breathwork to create a sensation of internal compression and massage, strengthen, then melt into that sweet tension release.
The great thing about Tapas is that you’ll find yourself doing things that will surprise you, things you never thought you could, awakening capacities that were always within you. But these come almost as an after thought! You’ll be in the bliss of one-pointed concentration and find yourself achieving, almost as an after thought, as you experience again and again the deepest pleasure of being present in the moment far exceeds an external shape.
In addition, SPRING TERM 2020 is the first time this course will wrap up with 2 minutes of advanced breath awareness and meditation each and every session. This helps contain the openness and replenishment you’ve created, so you can access those energy reserves throughout the week, and head into your days with more clarity. The meditative preparation is the most important part of the transformation Tapas practice empowers, so it is an honor to share.
Yes, it is about physical practice (you feel physical work of repetitions and movement), but for those willing to go further, it is indeed so much more. The physical attentiveness is simply a gateway to learn about how to keep the mind engaged and present, while practicing how to let go of what is not you. It is ultimately about experiencing and maintaining the most delightful presence of your truest self.
Do you want to know how to juggle a busy life and manage it gracefully?
This type of flow is a central part of my own weekly practice & how I manage a studio full-time, plus teach full-time, and stay focused on the bigger picture and work toward my higher purpose:
You can master techniques to make your life easier and directed toward what you are meant to do. This is why I can highly recommend this course to you, with confidence.
We meet each week at the AHA Yoga Studio in Lake City, on the lovely and tranquil Lake DeSoto, MONDAYS, 6 to 7:30 pm, starting March 30, 2019. AHA Yoga is located at 305 East Duval Street, Suite 101, in Lake City, Florida. Ample parking is steps away form the front door, and additional public parking is available across the street on Duval. Great care has been put into this course as well as the flora, design, and maintenance of this studio space and props so that it is an inviting, serene, and nurturing container for you to explore and develop your own inner capacities.
Please note that this course often fills.
So FIRE UP & save your place now:
Have a hectic schedule & cannot commit to a Spring Term Course?
You’ve got options! Once the Spring Term begins on March 30, single Casual Class one-night attendance is available for $25/class, if space allows. This must be paid in cash or check; reservations are made by contacting the teacher directly via email ( or text (949.903.5076).
Remember, if you want the FULL BENEFITS OF TAPAS, you need an ardent, committed practice, so STAY AT IT & BUILD YOUR INNER FIRE.
Come see, come feel, come shine!
If you are ready to light up your inner fire with 8-weeks of movement and self study, join our Spring Term Tapas Course here.
Have questions? Do not hesitate to reach out.

Look forward to heating up out practice together!
Want to make sure you don’t miss out and are able to get VIP Priority Booking (saving $64 on tuition!) & other exclusive announcements? This is also what secures the discounted investment for committed students.
Yes, please!
Then be sure to join our community mailing list here and be the first to find out about the next Yoga Term as well as other special events and offerings. We’d love to have you as part of our shining yoga community!